To decarbonize industry, we must decarbonize heat
•Decarbonizing the industrial sector is a key part of economy-wide decarbonization•Decarbonizing process heat alone can mitigate about fifth global CO2 emissions•Cross-cutting R&D that decarbonize identified Industry often termed “hard to decarbonize” because vast, inhomogeneous array processes comprise sector. Nevertheless, decarbonization crucial addressing emissions. In 2010, full 13.1 gigatons (Gt) carbon dioxide (CO2) and 176 exajoules (EJ) primary energy demand were attributed globally. Developing new, decarbonized heating technologies represents single, broadly applicable pathway eliminating large portion sectoral emissions, approximately one-fifth overall. this perspective, we propose cross-cutting research effort in (1) zero-carbon heat, (2) electrification (3) fuels, (4) better management. If pursued, these distinct areas for will help drive technical advances further reduce such neither economic nor climate progress are sacrificed. But developing emissions—and We begin perspective with brief review cost heat. Then, highlight challenges needs technologies. Technologies four pathways discussed: sources, Finally, identify development adoption technologies, solution any which would constitute significant breakthrough on path decarbonization. Decarbonizing, or net elimination emissions from, widely acknowledged be challenging,1Davis S.J. Lewis N.S. Shaner M. Aggarwal S. Arent D. Azevedo I.L. Benson S.M. Bradley T. Brouwer J. Chiang Y.-M. et al.Net-zero systems.Science. 2018; 360: eaas9793Crossref PubMed Scopus (520) Google Scholar, 2Rissman Bataille C. Masanet E. Aden N. Morrow III, W.R. Zhou Elliott Dell R. Heeren Huckestein B. al.Technologies policies industry: assessment mitigation drivers through.Appl. Energy. 2020; 2070 (114848): 266Google 3Bataille Åhman Neuhoff K. Nilsson L.J. Fischedick Lechtenböhmer Solano-Rodriquez Denis-Ryan A. 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McKinsey & Company, Since number comprising large, generally have limited impact no guarantee new portable next process. Therefore, although it important researchers continue work toward low-emission processes, choose focus opportunity—the A estimated at 7.5 Gt CO2,8Savut Heat: Deep Opportunities. Bloomberg New Finance, 2019Google 21% 2016,9Global Carbon Project Supplemental data Global Budget 2019 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. Project. result from single process: generation over 100 EJth (we use colloquial shorthand “heat” thermodynamic term “thermal energy” ).5IEAWorld As shown Figure 1, combustion three fuels—coal, natural gas, oil—generate vast majority its associated The then used directly indirectly, commonly via steam, numerous like fluid heating, distillation, drying, reactions temperatures ranging only slightly above ambient thousands degrees Celsius (°C). US, just under 30% generated steam; remainder furnaces, ovens, kilns, other unit operations.10U.S. Department EnergyQuadrennial review. 2015Google nature has led “grand challenge” thermal science engineering.11Henry Prasher Majumdar Five grand decarbonization.Nat. 5: 635-637Crossref (38) concerted program generation, transport, potential great impact.12Friedmann Fan Z. Tang Low-carbon solutions heavy costs today. Columbia/SIPA Center Policy, 2019 Scholar,13Haydock Napp Decarbonisation evidence. 2013Google first discuss contemporary technoeconomics provides benchmark nascent goal their development. by may decarbonized: For pathway, state art, recent efforts, describe future enable compete alternatives. summarize (Table 3) opportunities cut across pathways. Our view none represent silver bullet; rather, many find use. viable, must fulfill end user’s competitive cost. Heat characterized two variables—temperature load. temperature set exceed 1,400°C steelmaking cement production. transfer higher also value, since able deliver more exergy (the maximum amount done source). Load rate required process, kilowatts (kWth) megawatts (MWth) thermal. very facilities, loads as high MWth.14McMillan C.A. Ruth Using facility-level estimate alternative sources meet demand.Appl. 239: 1077-1090Crossref (11) purposes comparisons, simplified levelized (LCOH), analogous electricity (LCOE) conceptually similar LCOH metrics open literature15Louvet Fischer Furbo Giovanetti F. Köhl Mauthner Mugnier Philippen Veynandt LCoH solar applications (IEA-SHC Task 54). Scholar,16Kurup P. Turchi Initial investigation into CSP southwest United States. National Renewable Laboratory, 2015 Scholar:LCOH=AmortizedCapitalCostCapacityFactor+CostofEnergy×EnergyInHeatOut+OtherO&MHeatOut(Equation 1) where “amortized capital cost” normalized nameplate capacity generator. “capacity factor,” percentage uptime, accounts utilization incurred expenditures. “energy in” form combustible fuel, electricity, and/or waste “other O&M” captures all operation maintenance than input costs. “heat out” actual output generator, meets load facility. Like LCOE, limitations. example, intermittent resources without storage not equivalent an easily stored fuel. Distribution systems steam fluids add beyond what considered here. addition, co-generation combined power (CHP), uses fuel source generate electricity. Such methods do fit framework. calculation good underlying data. Ultimately, though framework our analysis here limitations, technoeconomic analyses technologists assess market constraints derive performance necessary commercialization. Table 1 2 illustrate representative created McMillan al.17McMillan characterization (NREL). shows distribution sizes facilities 14 top greenhouse gas emitting industries US. 2, using same dataset17McMillan EJth/y, demanded function those industries. Analogous EU, show trends, given Naegler al.18Naegler Simon Klein Gils H.C. Quantification European branch level.Int. Res. 2015; 39: 2019-2030Crossref (54) plot ranges approximate temperature, Equation common equipment based purchased reported Peters al.19Peters Timmerhaus West Plant Design Economics Chemical Engineers. McGraw-Hill, 2002Google Capital presented 2020 US dollars, inflated values Manufacturing Producer Price Index,20U.S. Bureau Labor StatisticsProducer Index Industry: [PCU325325]. FRED, Federal Reserve Bank St. Louis, 2020 discounted 5% assumed 30 year lifespan upon alone, before installation. bottom taken variety benchmarks.21BP BP Statistical Review World Energy. 2020Google 22UK Business, StrategyInternational prices. 23UK StrategyPrices fuels industry. 24Energy Information Administration, U.S. EnergyHenry hub spot price. 25Energy EnergyAverage price ultimate customers end-use sector. 26Brown hydrogen: Platts launches hydrogen assessment. adiabatic flame temperature. pumps Carnot limited, 30°C, chosen compromise between air pumps, lower temperatures, driven temperatures. Values electrical resistive computed 95% electrical-to-thermal efficiency, combusted chemical-to-thermal efficiency. bound pump region efficiency.Table 1Distribution fraction USFacility annual average (MWth)Fraction (%)0 139.6%1 1026.5%10 10018.9%100 1,0002.1%Unreported13.0%Data Ruth.17McMillan Open table tab Data subject various sensitivities outside shown. addition increase jurisdictions exists, $/MWhth carbon-containing coal gas. scenario, raw material construction could increase, thereby increasing efficiency affects LCOH. Low-efficiency boilers heaters basis inverse proportion (see in/heat 1). financial hedges benchmarks. displays takeaways. First, compared familiar, residential retail prices, relatively cheap energy, particularly locales Second, renewable prices falling, most paid mean cases electrified (using, e.g., heating) still well times fossil-based generation. This means gain proportionately (as MWhth/MWhe), likely coefficients yield MWhth/MWhe > they lose operating cost—and low cost—to competitive. far excess demanded. cost, modern, carbon-based century engineering advancements—and hurdle economically section, production, illustrated 3: subsection, art needs. developed, focused application. aim comprehensive which, if met, impact. direct approach substitute fossil strategy been noted researchers.1Davis Scholar,2Rissman Scholar,12Friedmann production—e.g., steam—this straightforward prospect. Zero-carbon substitutes hydrogen, ammonia, biofuels, synthetic hydrocarbons employed, needed handling, setting fuels. However, some substitution straightforward. hydrocarbon provide serve reactant well, yielding case steel iron ore reduced atomic reacting metallurgical coke. blast furnace coke (C) partially oxidized oxygen produce (Δ) monoxide (CO), turn functions main reducing agent converting oxide iron:2C(s)+O2(g)→2CO(g)+Δ(Equation 2) Fe2O3(s)+3CO(g)→Δ2Fe(s)+3CO2(g).(Equation intrinsic chemistry, either effluent captured geologically sequestered, chemistries carbon-free reactants developed. example latter reduction instead coke,27Spreitzer Schenk Reduction oxides hydrogen—a review.Steel Research Int. 90: 1900108Crossref (86) reaction of:Fe2O3(s)+3H2(g)→2Fe(s)+3H2O(g).(Equation 4) serves reductive reactant. produced zero- negative-emission remove critically account process-intrinsic emissions.2Rissman Other existing include methane reforming Hall electrolytic producing aluminum alumina. addressed. major approaches considered: ammonia zero-emission derived biofuels synthesized atmospheric CO2. 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عنوان ژورنال: Joule
سال: 2021
ISSN: ['2542-4351', '2542-4785']